The JR Newsletter is the official e-newsletter of the John Reich Collectors Society. The purpose of the John Reich Collectors Society (JRCS) is to encourage the study of numismatics, particularly United States gold and silver coins minted before the introduction of the Seated Liberty design, and to provide technical and educational information concerning such coins.
We have a number of contributions in this week’s JR Newsletter. First, from Brad Karoleff:
The latest issue of the JRJ is at the printers!
I expect delivery soon and I will get them out ASAP. Hopefully they will arrive before the new year.
I would like to thank all the authors that contributed to our journal in the last year. You will be asked to vote for your favorite article(s) to receive the Jules Reiter Literary Award on the ballot included in the envelope.
It is also time to renew your membership. There is also a renewal form in your envelope. Please write a check and send it to David Perkins to keep your membership current.
With the issuance of this journal I will have nothing in the queue for the Spring issue. Please consider sending something for publication in the next issue. You can reach me at bkaroleff(at) with submissions or questions.
Happy holidays to all and hope to see you at FUN. Look me up at table 317 and say hello.
Brad ------
David Finkelstein and Christopher Pilliod gave a presentation at the JRCS General Meeting during the ANA World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia in August. The presentation was on the first phase of a multi-phase project to determine the chemical composition of 1794 and 1795 US silver coins. Part 1 of a multi-part article series was published in the September 23, 2018 John Reich Newsletter (JRN). Part 2 was published in the October 7, 2018 JRN. Part 3 was published in the October 21, 2018 JRN. Part 4 was published in the November 4, 2018 JRN and revised in the November 11, 2018 JRN. Here is the 5th and final part of their article series:
Sheridan Downey wrote: Readers may like to know that a preview version of my upcoming FUN Show auction (Mail Bid Sale #48) is now available on my web site:
Full descriptions and a catalog are in the works and should be available after Christmas. The auction will close Friday, January 11.
All the best, Sheridan ------
Finally, from Richard Meaney, Editor of JR Newsletter: Many of you wrote and asked how I fared in the recent earthquake in Alaska. Seems the epicenter of the large quake was less than 15 miles from my home! My wife, daughter, dog, and I were all unharmed. We wish we could say the same for our home. Nearly every component of the house was damaged in some way, including floors, walls, windows, plumbing, stairs and stair rails, doors, and even various ceilings. Fortunately, the heat still works, we have were able to get some temporary fixes on some plumbing issues, and we can still live in the house. Another fortunate choice was to carry earthquake insurance. After we pay about $45,000, the insurance company will pick up the rest of the repair tab. So we are trying to look at it from the perspective of, "hey, we get our whole house updated (it was built in 2006) and it will cost just the price of a new SUV."
So with that update, I want to offer my second set of JR Journals for sale to whomever would like to buy the set at a darn good price. The set is complete from Volume 1, Issue 1 (original card stock covers, not the photocopy) to present (Volume 28, Issue 2). If interested, write to me at richard.meaney(at)
I will sell it shipped via media mail for $350. If you wish a quicker shipping method, price will be $375. As I sort through items in my "library" (not shelves, but just stacks of books these days!), I may offer additional items as a means to defray our earthquake insurance deductible.
NOTE: This set of JR Journals has already been sold