Saturday, August 10, 2019

JR Newsletter: 11 August 2019 (458) -- published a day early due to ANA travel schedule!

Garrett Ziss wrote:

Thanks for the strong interest in the JRCS interview project.  Here is some additional information:

Interviews are planned for next week at the following times:

Monday - during the PNG show
Wednesday – right after the JRCS Meeting in room 21
Wednesday – right after the Bust Quarter meeting in room 22

If you are not available during one of these times but would like to participate, please let me know so we can try to set up an alternate time.  If you are unable to interview at the ANA show but would still like to participate, there will also be an opportunity to interview at the November Baltimore Whitman show.

As Brad Karoleff mentioned in last week's JR Newsletter, these will be low-key informal discussions of your collecting experiences and involvement in the JRCS that will be recorded to preserve our history for future generations.  Interviews will be videotaped unless you would prefer an audio-only interview.  These interviews are only intended for the JRCS archives. However, if the JRCS is interested in posting excerpts of your interview on the JRCS website, you will be contacted. 

All interviewees will be asked the same first question: When did you start collecting coins and how did your interest in collecting Early U.S. silver/gold coins evolve? 

After that, the interviewee can discuss whatever they would like.  I have been asked for examples of possible questions/topics to give interviewees some ideas. These can be found at the link below and are broken down into three general categories: Coins, Friendship, and Education.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing many JRCS members in Chicago, 

Garrett Ziss
JRCS #1465

David Kahn wrote:

A quick bit of info regarding the fast-approaching ANA World's Fair of Money in Rosemont, IL:

Monday Aug 12 is PNG Day, and the entire DKRC staff (that's me and Melissa) will be on hand at table 1012 to serve your needs.

Starting Tuesday, we'll be at corner table 1626, setup right next to great friend and supreme collector's dealer Brian Greer (1628), and backing directly to John Agre of Coin Rarities Online.  Thus, Melissa and I will be in pretty darn good company.  Please see us early and often!  We'd love to sell you something special, but even more so, we'd love to buy something special from you!

Please don't forget David Finkelstein's very interesting Money Talks presentation, which is scheduled for Friday the 16th at 11AM, in room number 6.

See you all soon, and please travel safely.


David L. Kahn, President
David Kahn Rare Coins, Inc.
POB 1637
Olney, MD  20830-1637
(301) 570-7070

Sunday, August 4, 2019

JR Newsletter: 4 August 2019 (457)

Those readers who are traveling to Rosemont, Illinois for the ANA Show will appreciate the following contributions.  

Glenn Peterson wrote:

Hello JRCS members,

   I am looking forward to the ANA show and meeting my JRCS friends there. I want to share all the great meetings we have in store for this year’s ANA:

1.     Wednesday Aug 14 8:00 AM JRCS meeting. We have Louis Scuderi talking to us about John Reich, the early years. It should be a great program. 
2.    Wednesday Aug 14 2:00 PM Bust Quarter Collector Society meeting. We have Joey Lamonte talking to us about Proof Bust Quarters and the controversy about early Mint Proofs. A good conversation should follow his presentation
3.    Thursday August 15 2:00 PM Bust Half Nut Club meeting. We have Jim Koenings to update us about Reeded Edge Halves with a special focus on 1837 GR 23, 25, and 26. Bring any examples for discussion and study.

    I am honored to have these excellent speakers with us this year. I look forward to seeing you all. 

Glenn Peterson  

David Finkelstein wrote:

On Friday, August 16th, at 11:00 AM, I will be conducting an ANA Money Talks presentation in Room 6 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.  My presentation is titled “Historical Documents Provide Insight About 1794 U. S. Silver Coin Production”, or “Everything That Could Go Wrong, Did Go Wrong”.  A chronological account of the trials and tribulations of Mint personnel, Mint Director David Rittenhouse, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, and President George Washington will be presented, supported by contemporary documents from the National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and University of Virginia.

David Finkelstein

Brad Karoleff wrote:

Garrett Ziss will continue a project we had started previously but have let lay dormant for way too long. He will be looking to interview JRCS members about their collecting history and their involvement in JRCS. The interviews will be conducted at the ANA show and may be either individual or as part of a small group, no more than four at a time. 

These will be low-key informal discussions of your personal collecting history that will be recorded for posterity. We have lost too many members without having a record of their collecting stories. Please talk to Garrett if you are interested in participating or be open to an interview if asked. 

I have asked Garrett to do this project based on his age and “newness” to the club. I wanted the interviews to answer the question of what a younger newcomer to the club would want to know about our club and collecting. There will be no preconceived ideas of what “should” be saved for posterity just a younger member’s curiosity and the stories of us old timers. 

If anyone has any ideas about the project please contact me at to share your suggestions. 

I look forward to seeing many of you soon. Remember our meeting Wednesday morning. Louis Scuderi’s presentation on John Reich the Early Years promises to be an interesting talk. 


Mirek Kiec and Richard Meaney sent a reminder:

If you have 1829 LM-6.1 and 1829 LM-7.1 half dimes, please bring to ANA Show for comparison and study. Richard will be at table 1533 all week and both Richard and Mirek will be at the JRCS membership meeting on Wednesday morning.