Thursday, August 26, 2010

E-Mail Version of JR Newsletter

An e-mail version of the JR Newsletter is in the works.  We are attempting to be able to send one, mass-addressed e-mail to hundreds of people at a time without problems with spam filters on the sending (Internet Service Provider) or receiving ends.

If you have a spam filter, you should add the address jrnewsletter at to your list of "allowed" e-mail addresses.  I formulated the email address with "at" in place of  @ so as to lessen the likelihood of a spammer picking up on that address and flooding my email address with junk...of course, you should use the @ symbol when entering the e-mail address into your "allowed list" of your spam filter to ensure accuracy.

I expect the first mass e-mail will be one announcing the new service and asking recipients to respond in the affirmative that they would indeed like to receive regular e-mails on topics of interest to collectors of bust coinage.  Once the bugs get worked out during the testing phase, we will get this thing off the ground.  You can send me an e-mail now asking to be included in this effort; otherwise, I plan on using the hundred to two hundred e-mail addresses I inherited from the JR News.