Brad Karoleff wrote:
The new issue of the John Reich Journal is back from the printers and should be mailed next week. You should expect to see them popping up in your mailbox very soon.
I think it contains one of the most important and best articles we have seen in a LONG time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have in bringing it to you.
Remember to pay your dues if you receive a notice in with your journal and vote for your favorite article from Volume 34. A deserving author will receive the Jules Reiver Literary Award for their efforts.
Also remember to nominate someone for the JRCS Hall of Fame. You can send your nominations to Richard Meaney via email (jrnewsletter(at), text or snail mail.
I also need articles to include in the next issue of our journal. If you have a submission please get in contact with me soon. The next issue is on a hard deadline to be in your hands in the middle of July to announce the annual meeting at the ANA. I would like to have submissions in hand no later than June 1st and earlier if possible.
Thanks, and hope to see many of you at the CSNS convention in Chicago at the end of April. I will be selling the Charles D. Horning collection of Draped Bust Half Dollars and W. David Perkins will be selling the James Matthews collection of Capped Bust Dimes. The show promises to be a great one for the collectors of early silver this year.
Brad Karoleff