Sunday, February 2, 2020

JR Newsletter: 2 February 2020 (483)

Rick A wrote:

Can you help identify this variety or know a contact who can? I have basically completed bust dimes by variety and bust halves by Red Book variety and decided to start bust half dimes by Red Book variety. I won this last night on eBay just needing a nice 1833 bust half dime. My local coin dealer is open Tuesday-Saturday and has the Bust Half Dime book on varieties. However looking at pictures of all the 1833 half dimes either in the Jules Reiver Collection and/or on Heritage today to determine the variety I believe this could be a counterfeit!! At first, I thought it might be an LM-1 but the period is large and position of S2 is questionable. The obverse has star 1 near the bust which I cannot find on any 1833 bust half dime!??  It is item 193321083632 from seller “shieler123”. I would appreciate any advice or info you can provide.

Editor adds:  This link takes you to the coin on ebay  Click to see coin on Ebay


Rick A