Sunday, May 21, 2023

JR Newsletter: 21 May 2023 (597)

 Pete Smith wrote to provide additional information as a follow-up to last week's images provided by Alan Weinberg:

Silas M. Perkins

Silas M. Perkins died of wounds sustained at Cold Harbor on May 31, 1864. He was accidentally shot in the foot while in his tent. He is buried at Village Cemetery in Kennebunkport, Maine.

Silas was the son of Silas P. Perkins (1803-1883) and Eliza A. Foss (1810-1862).

He was the grandson of Stephen Perkins (1765-1833) and Alice Stone (1769-1850).

He was the great grandson of Abner Perkins (1730-1811) and Anna Perkins.