We have LOTS of information in today's JR Newsletter.
First, from the editor:
Thank you for the feedback on the changes to the weekly JR Newsletter. It seems that we have fixed the problem of many people receiving multiple copies of the newsletter in their email inbox. We are now working on a better way to present documents in the form of PDF files. Many readers reported difficulty accessing, reading, and downloading David Finkelstein's article from last week, so we will give that another shot this week.
Richard Meaney
David Finkelstein's article, "The Workflow Of The First United States Mint – Part 4," is linked here:
We trust the new method of attachment will make it much easier for you to enjoy this article, download it to your computer, or print it.
Steve Tompkins wrote with an announcement about a new book:

It’s at the printer!
Now taking pre-orders at a discounted
price for delivery in August…
A NEW Book on the
Early Half Dollar Series...
The first all new work on the subject since 1970!
In this exciting new hardbound work, proudly printed and bound in the U.S.A., you will find over 500 pages covering each known die marriage for the years 1794-1807. This is surrounded by sections covering design, manufacture, new theories, and explanations for why certain things were done, based on Mint documentation and evidence found on the coins themselves. Included are quick finding charts and pictorial identifiers for each year; detailed listings of die stages; as well as, oversized color photos of every die marriage. New updated rarity ratings are included, as well as pedigrees & a pictorial condition census for all R-6 to R-8 rated die marriages.
Every die marriage is now listed in emission sequence (the order they were struck in) and therefore a new numbering system was needed and was incorporated, with a handy conversion chart in both the front and back of the book for ease in transition from the older designations.
The appendices contain interesting information on, among other things, patterns, die trials, private re-strikes, error coins, counterstamps, etc., along with many useful charts, die re-marriage listings, master die/hub listings, reproductions of original Mint documents and much, much more! This is the first volume of several that will cover the entire lettered edge half dollar series from 1794 through 1836.
The pre-order price for one copy is $79.00 delivered. This price is only good for a limited time (see below). Copies can be ordered by either sending payment to:
Steve M. Tompkins
P.O. Box 844
Peculiar, MO 64078
Or you can go to my web site www.earlyunitedstatescoins.com and send payment via secured checkout from a PayPal account.
Orders will be filled as soon as the finished books are received from the printer, currently this should be the first week in August.
Order yours now before the price goes up!
(The regular cover price is $89 plus shipping after August 5th...)
The next two contributions come from W. David Perkins and will be of special interest to collectors of Capped Bust Half Dimes and Early Dimes.
First, the half dime announcement:
2015 ANA Extraordinary Half Dime Sale
A note was sent out yesterday, Saturday, July 11, 2015, to all JRCS Members, JR Newsletter readers, and others that are on our early half dime distribution list regarding the 2015 ANA Extraordinary Half Dime Sale. If you are not on this distribution list and would like to be, please send your name and e-mail address to me at wdperki(at)attglobal.net and I will add you to the list. I will also forward a copy of the note sent yesterday, along with the preliminary copy of the Sealed Bid sale catalog was attached in PDF format to the note.
At the 2015 ANA there will be a Sealed Bid Auction Sale (SBS) of Capped Bust Half Dimes 1829-1837, with between 17-20 lots. The half dimes in this sale tend to be the rarer die marriages and die states (including cuds!), Condition Census specimens, plate coins in the LM Half Dime book, and coins with better pedigrees. Lots will be available for viewing at Tables 617 and 619 at the ANA Convention next month in Chicago. Bids will be accepted until 6:00pm CST on Friday night, via phone, e-mail, fax or in-person. Collectors are welcome to have a fellow collector or trusted dealer view lots for them at the ANA Convention.
There are over 60 Capped Bust Half Dimes on the Extraordinary Half Dime Fixed Price List, all grading from XF45 to MS65. In addition, there is a second “Standard Fixed Price List” with 20 coins grading XF40 and below, and half dimes in PCGS and NGC Details holders. All in all close to 100 Capped Bust Half Dimes will be offered in the 2015 ANA Sale. Fixed price lots will be available for sale just prior to the ANA Convention, as in past sales.
All coins are photographed and described in detail in the catalogs.
W. David Perkins
Centennial, CO
Perkins' announcement concerning Early Dimes:
Announcing the W. David Perkins Sale of the Kirk Gorman Capped Bust Dime Reference Collection - First Session Scheduled to be Held at January 2016 FUN Show in Tampa
W. David Perkins will be offering for sale the Kirk Gorman Reference Collection of Capped Bust Dimes 1809-1837 beginning at the January 2016 FUN Convention in Tampa, Florida. As in the early half dime and other sales Dave has conducted in the past, the dimes will be sold in a combination Sealed Bid Auction and Fixed Price List Sale or Sales at the January FUN and Summer ANA conventions. Many JRCS members and JR News readers know Kirk personally, and that Kirk has collected and researched the Capped Bust Dimes for nearly two decades.
The Gorman collection has 122 of the 123 known die marriages, missing only the 1827 JR-14, an R-8 marriage. According to the 2013 JRCS Capped Bust Dime Census, the average grade of the collection is “AU-51,” the second highest average grade in the Census. There are a total of 130 Capped Bust dimes consigned to the sale. The collection includes LM book Plate Coins, and dimes pedigreed to Eliasberg, Subjack, Lovejoy, and others.
Approximately two thirds of the dimes in this “old time” collection were “raw” when I received them, and the other one third were in PCGS and NGC holders. All 130 coins were sent by me to PCGS this week for PCGS Trueview photography outside of the holders, grading, attribution (attribution confirmation, as all of the dimes are attributed), and crossing into new PCGS holders. The die marriage numbers will all be included on the labels of the new holders. A number of the Capped Bust Dime die marriage photos are currently missing in PCGS Coin Facts – the Gorman collection importantly should fill in all but one of the missing photos.
It is unlikely any of the Gorman dimes will be back from PCGS in time for viewing at the 2015 ANA Convention in Chicago. Photographs for most of the collection should be available shortly after the ANA Show in Chicago.
If you would like to be included in my Capped Bust Dime Collector and Dealer Distribution List for this sale as well as future offerings, please send me a note at wdperki(at)attglobal.net with your name and e-mail address and I will add your name to the list. You can also see me at the ANA Convention in August in Chicago at Tables 617 and 619 (under W. David Perkins, Numismatist).
Those on this Distribution List will receive information and the sale catalogs for this and other early dime sales in the future. You do not have to be a JRCS member or JR Newsletter reader to be on this distribution list – you are welcome to pass this information on to your friends and fellow collectors so that their names can be added to this list. (Please note that if you are already on my early Half Dime Distribution List you will still need to send me a note asking to be included on the dime list).
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like additional information at this time. I can be reached via e-mail at wperki(at)attglobal.net, or Cell Phone 303-902-5366. Or you can see me at the ANA Convention in Chicago at Tables 617 and 619. Thanks.
W. David Perkins
Centennial, Colorado
First, from the editor:
Thank you for the feedback on the changes to the weekly JR Newsletter. It seems that we have fixed the problem of many people receiving multiple copies of the newsletter in their email inbox. We are now working on a better way to present documents in the form of PDF files. Many readers reported difficulty accessing, reading, and downloading David Finkelstein's article from last week, so we will give that another shot this week.
Richard Meaney
David Finkelstein's article, "The Workflow Of The First United States Mint – Part 4," is linked here:
We trust the new method of attachment will make it much easier for you to enjoy this article, download it to your computer, or print it.
Steve Tompkins wrote with an announcement about a new book:

It’s at the printer!
Now taking pre-orders at a discounted
price for delivery in August…
A NEW Book on the
Early Half Dollar Series...
The first all new work on the subject since 1970!
In this exciting new hardbound work, proudly printed and bound in the U.S.A., you will find over 500 pages covering each known die marriage for the years 1794-1807. This is surrounded by sections covering design, manufacture, new theories, and explanations for why certain things were done, based on Mint documentation and evidence found on the coins themselves. Included are quick finding charts and pictorial identifiers for each year; detailed listings of die stages; as well as, oversized color photos of every die marriage. New updated rarity ratings are included, as well as pedigrees & a pictorial condition census for all R-6 to R-8 rated die marriages.
Every die marriage is now listed in emission sequence (the order they were struck in) and therefore a new numbering system was needed and was incorporated, with a handy conversion chart in both the front and back of the book for ease in transition from the older designations.
The appendices contain interesting information on, among other things, patterns, die trials, private re-strikes, error coins, counterstamps, etc., along with many useful charts, die re-marriage listings, master die/hub listings, reproductions of original Mint documents and much, much more! This is the first volume of several that will cover the entire lettered edge half dollar series from 1794 through 1836.
The pre-order price for one copy is $79.00 delivered. This price is only good for a limited time (see below). Copies can be ordered by either sending payment to:
Steve M. Tompkins
P.O. Box 844
Peculiar, MO 64078
Or you can go to my web site www.earlyunitedstatescoins.com and send payment via secured checkout from a PayPal account.
Orders will be filled as soon as the finished books are received from the printer, currently this should be the first week in August.
Order yours now before the price goes up!
(The regular cover price is $89 plus shipping after August 5th...)
The next two contributions come from W. David Perkins and will be of special interest to collectors of Capped Bust Half Dimes and Early Dimes.
First, the half dime announcement:
2015 ANA Extraordinary Half Dime Sale
A note was sent out yesterday, Saturday, July 11, 2015, to all JRCS Members, JR Newsletter readers, and others that are on our early half dime distribution list regarding the 2015 ANA Extraordinary Half Dime Sale. If you are not on this distribution list and would like to be, please send your name and e-mail address to me at wdperki(at)attglobal.net and I will add you to the list. I will also forward a copy of the note sent yesterday, along with the preliminary copy of the Sealed Bid sale catalog was attached in PDF format to the note.
At the 2015 ANA there will be a Sealed Bid Auction Sale (SBS) of Capped Bust Half Dimes 1829-1837, with between 17-20 lots. The half dimes in this sale tend to be the rarer die marriages and die states (including cuds!), Condition Census specimens, plate coins in the LM Half Dime book, and coins with better pedigrees. Lots will be available for viewing at Tables 617 and 619 at the ANA Convention next month in Chicago. Bids will be accepted until 6:00pm CST on Friday night, via phone, e-mail, fax or in-person. Collectors are welcome to have a fellow collector or trusted dealer view lots for them at the ANA Convention.
There are over 60 Capped Bust Half Dimes on the Extraordinary Half Dime Fixed Price List, all grading from XF45 to MS65. In addition, there is a second “Standard Fixed Price List” with 20 coins grading XF40 and below, and half dimes in PCGS and NGC Details holders. All in all close to 100 Capped Bust Half Dimes will be offered in the 2015 ANA Sale. Fixed price lots will be available for sale just prior to the ANA Convention, as in past sales.
All coins are photographed and described in detail in the catalogs.
W. David Perkins
Centennial, CO
Perkins' announcement concerning Early Dimes:
Announcing the W. David Perkins Sale of the Kirk Gorman Capped Bust Dime Reference Collection - First Session Scheduled to be Held at January 2016 FUN Show in Tampa
W. David Perkins will be offering for sale the Kirk Gorman Reference Collection of Capped Bust Dimes 1809-1837 beginning at the January 2016 FUN Convention in Tampa, Florida. As in the early half dime and other sales Dave has conducted in the past, the dimes will be sold in a combination Sealed Bid Auction and Fixed Price List Sale or Sales at the January FUN and Summer ANA conventions. Many JRCS members and JR News readers know Kirk personally, and that Kirk has collected and researched the Capped Bust Dimes for nearly two decades.
The Gorman collection has 122 of the 123 known die marriages, missing only the 1827 JR-14, an R-8 marriage. According to the 2013 JRCS Capped Bust Dime Census, the average grade of the collection is “AU-51,” the second highest average grade in the Census. There are a total of 130 Capped Bust dimes consigned to the sale. The collection includes LM book Plate Coins, and dimes pedigreed to Eliasberg, Subjack, Lovejoy, and others.
Approximately two thirds of the dimes in this “old time” collection were “raw” when I received them, and the other one third were in PCGS and NGC holders. All 130 coins were sent by me to PCGS this week for PCGS Trueview photography outside of the holders, grading, attribution (attribution confirmation, as all of the dimes are attributed), and crossing into new PCGS holders. The die marriage numbers will all be included on the labels of the new holders. A number of the Capped Bust Dime die marriage photos are currently missing in PCGS Coin Facts – the Gorman collection importantly should fill in all but one of the missing photos.
It is unlikely any of the Gorman dimes will be back from PCGS in time for viewing at the 2015 ANA Convention in Chicago. Photographs for most of the collection should be available shortly after the ANA Show in Chicago.
If you would like to be included in my Capped Bust Dime Collector and Dealer Distribution List for this sale as well as future offerings, please send me a note at wdperki(at)attglobal.net with your name and e-mail address and I will add your name to the list. You can also see me at the ANA Convention in August in Chicago at Tables 617 and 619 (under W. David Perkins, Numismatist).
Those on this Distribution List will receive information and the sale catalogs for this and other early dime sales in the future. You do not have to be a JRCS member or JR Newsletter reader to be on this distribution list – you are welcome to pass this information on to your friends and fellow collectors so that their names can be added to this list. (Please note that if you are already on my early Half Dime Distribution List you will still need to send me a note asking to be included on the dime list).
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like additional information at this time. I can be reached via e-mail at wperki(at)attglobal.net, or Cell Phone 303-902-5366. Or you can see me at the ANA Convention in Chicago at Tables 617 and 619. Thanks.
W. David Perkins
Centennial, Colorado
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