From David Perkins:
Stephen Crain Half Dime Reference Collection to be Sold
Many JR Newsletter readers and JRCS members know Stephen Crain, known to many of us as “Mr. Half Dime.” I’ve known him for at least 25 years and served for many years on the JRCS Board of Directors with Stephen. Stephen spent over 40 years putting together his Capped Bust and Liberty Seated Half Dime Reference Collection. He was an author of the JRCS Early Half Dime Census along with Richard Meaney. Steve assembled an amazing collection of half dimes, from Flowing Hair to Draped Bust to Capped Bust to Seated. Stephen did sell his Flowing Hair and Draped Bust Half Dimes years ago.
I regret to inform you that Stephen’s health has declined over the last year and he was moved to a nursing home late last year. I did have an enjoyable conversation with him a few weeks ago in Maine while picking up the collection, with many great stories recalled.
I would like to announce that W. David Perkins Numismatics has been selected to offer nearly all of Stephen’s Reference Collection of Capped Bust and Seated Half Dimes. Richard Meaney, a noted Capped Bust Half Dime specialist will be working with me on the sale of the collection. We will also be offering his Liberty Seated Half Dime Collection of around 1,000 half dimes – all dates, most types, most Valentine Numbers, and many die marriages not recorded by Valentine.
Please e-mail me at wdperki(at) if you would like to be added to the Capped Bust Half Dime Distribution List, the (new) Seated Half Dime list, or both. A note was sent to those names on the Capped Bust Half Dime list last night – if you didn’t receive the announcement last night you are not yet on the list – again, e-mail me if you’d like to be added or want to confirm you are on the list. You are also welcome to forward this announcement to your half dime collecting friends.
The Stephen Crain Capped Bust Half Dime Reference Collection was complete with all 92 known die marriages, all dates and types, and more than 45 remarriages. There were over 200 Capped Bust Half Dimes in the collection, with many die states including retained and full cuds, and a plate coin or two from the Logan-McCloskey book. The majority of the half dimes are “raw.” Some will be sold raw, others will be sent to PCGS for photos, grading, and crossover. Many are off to PCGS at this time.
Richard and I are targeting the August ANA Convention for Part I of a Fixed Price List and Sealed Bid Auction Sale.
David Perkins
From the editor:
An anonymous collector who has spent years trying to talk me into transitioning from half dimes to “real coins” (bust halves) sent me this montage of 1817/4’s last week. All 11 known examples are depicted.
(click photo to enlarge)
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