Sunday, November 15, 2020

JR Newsletter: 15 November 2020 (524)

Brad Karoleff wrote:


The latest issue of The John Reich Journal is now in the mail. You should receive it sometime next week. Anyone not receiving their issue by thanksgiving should contact me at bkaroleff(at) for a replacement. 


Inside your journal will be a ballot for The Jules Reiter Literary Award. Please vote for your favorite articles. 


Some of you will also be receiving a dues notice. Please send your renewal check to JRCS secretary Perkins in a timely manner to assure your continued membership. 


Also, the JRCS cupboard is bare!  I have a couple commitments for articles for the Spring issue but need more. Please consider writing something for publication in your journal. 


Remember that the next Zoom meeting of JRCS is scheduled for this Wednesday the 18th at 7PM EST. Please send Steve Herrman a request to  jrcsweb2(at) for your invitation to attend. I will be discussing the Cud project for the website. 


Stay healthy 




The JRCS Quarterly “Zoom Meeting” will be on November 18 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.  If you requested a link to the last meeting held online, you will receive a link for this meeting.  If you would like to receive a link to the meeting (about 48 hours in advance), please send an email to jrcsweb2(at)


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