Sunday, July 12, 2020

JR Newsletter: 12 July 2020 (506)

Winston Zack wrote:

I hope you all had a great 4th of July.

I had 12 responses to the recent JRCS Zoom survey (via Excel) provided in the late June JR Newsletter.

The image shows the results.  The numbers on the left (e.g. 1. Early U.S. Mint history) correspond with the numbers on the x-axis with the graph to the right.  

(click on image to enlarge it)

The values in red text identified the greatest interest.  The topic of greatest interest amongst responders was for presentations on 'Early U.S. Mint history' followed by 'Bust Errors', etc.; there were several individual comments as to specific types of presentations members wanted to see/hear related to early U.S. mint history.  Interestingly, there seems to be little interest amongst JRCS collectors for presentations on Bust half dollars which are second from the bottom.  

Several folks identified definite or moderate interest in being a presenter for certain topics.  Other members were nominated to give presentations (see Comments).  Overall, if anyone wants to provide a 20-30 minute presentation on Zoom for any of the broad or specific topic items identified based on these results, or other related presentation, please contact me so we can begin coordinating speakers through at least the end of 2020.


In response to Brad Karoleff’s question about how readers like the changes to the JR Journal, Chuck Heck wrote:  Brad - I really like the color photos in the new issue!  What a difference they make!  Stay safe – Chuck

(Editor adds:  I agree with Chuck!  Would be wonderful to incorporate more color into the JR Journal for future issues)

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